Running—a tool for creativity. A tool for life.

I invite you to run with me, and upgrade your identity.

Run to keep our thoughts positive and stable.

Run to solve your creative problems or dream up new concepts.

Run for strong mind & body.

Run to think more clearly, to add structure to your day.

To feel empowered. Confident. Unstoppable.

With you every step,


My goal is to provide the inspiration you need to build a running practice that will help you

  • Add structure to your day

  • Build confidence

  • Build mental toughness

  • Bring discipline into every part of your life

  • Problem solve

  • Be more intuitive

  • Find joy


My Epiphany

When my kids were around 10 and 12 I had a realization: They were making it. They were doing fine and could make reasonably good decisions on their own! They could make their own toast. They could get dressed and brush their hair. I didn’t have to remind, cajole or persuasivly persuade. I then had a very sudden and profound thought - Sh*t - I’ve kept them alive all these years and they’re doing great - but what about me? I have all of the information, why am I not using it? Fast forward several years, miles, mental training, and tons of kale, I realized that I had developed a running, or rather, a life practice that was helping me in mind and body and I daresay — even spirit. I started this practice and have been fine tuning it since my 20’s, when I almost needed it more.

I’m a Professional Amateur Runner

I have a strong, tested practice that I wish to share with you and in the meantime, I am working on my certification to be a running coach.

Join me on this journey!

You, too, can live more healthily.


I know how hard it can be to take the first step, to get up and out the door. May you find support and inspiration with me. Together let’s find a running practice tailored for you promote joy, peace, confidence, empowerment and total health in your life.

Having all the information is not enough to change behavior. My mission is to develop and provide a supportive community, and to help each other put good habits into place that we can commit to for total health.

You are in charge of your thoughts. You are in charge of your actions. You can be strong in mind and body.

Who runs this life?