Intentional running for creatives.

There is problem solving in any profession, but as a creative, I use running to solve most of my design ‘problems’. My process is always the same: Define the problem, research, research, then go for a run. When being very intentional about what I need to find or work on during my run, my mind acts very quickly and freely to run through solutions.

Why does running work? The purpose of this passion project is to better understand this. When applying my ‘method’, running puts me in a meditative state. My mind becomes lucid and open, allowing for clearer and more organized thoughts. I’m able to see the big picture and plan and strategize the future.

I always come home with ideas and solutions, jotting them down the second I run through the door. There have been times where I’ve almost turned back halfway through my run as I was so excited by the idea I’d dreamt up and didn’t want to forget it. It’s a beautiful, harmonious cycle - running allows ideas to flow and the ideas and emotions that accompany them fuel my running.


The Slow Running Lifestyle.


Intentional Running for mood management.