I need this as much as you do.

I am my biggest audience for this site. I can go through long periods of time where it just feels like too much effort to get running. When I’m tired or am simply feeling blue. The most common scenario for me is when I am anxious about the amount of work I have to do. I get caught up in a cycle of waking up and getting straight to work because obviously it feels like my priority, but then I slide into not being able to control my anxiety, then not sleeping well, not being as productive, becoming scary mom and wife, yadda yadda, you know the spiral. I know that precisely when I don’t feel like running is when I need it the most. It is SO HARD to make the right choice. Again, we need to actually force ourselves. Motivation happens while you are running! Pease visit my resource page for inspiration around this.

So, allow me inspire you and by doing so, inspire me! We all need help sometimes. Me, I need it often.


Just do it.